Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Theramore's Fall, now on Twitchtv, Sinestra killed

So, yesterday the new scenario Theramore's Fall came out of the live servers. Yet again, another Alliance town demolished by the Horde....when will they get a break? Not to mention the loss of Rhonin, a great mage of the Kirin Tor and someone I loved to read about in the World of Warcraft books.

 Overall, my impression of the scenario was so-so. I enjoyed having new content to do, but felt that it lacked in storyline as I had little to no idea what was going on. I didnt find out about Rhonin afterwards by reading the WoW forums :(. Scenarios themselves are an interesting concept, not really difficult, not so easy you could do them in your sleep (some opinions differ) but I would really enjoy knowing what was going on in the Theramore battle without having to go and pick up one of the WoW books (even though I'll probably get it anyways).

 In other news, I am now on Twitchtv! You can find me under the handle fulgora_epicism. I will be streaming any of the Epicism raids that I attend and some Diablo 3 when I feel like it :).

 This past week our guild's main goal (besides farming current content) was to kill Sinestra. Since I was sitting from the farming this week I decided to join in. Managed to get her killed after going through 3 of the 4 bosses in Bastion of Twilight on Heroic first (Council was done on regular for the achievement) and going back another night. Two healing it was not incredibly easy, even two tiers later! You can find a video of that kill on my Twitchtv channel.

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