I managed to crawl my way to finishing off level 89 the other night (okay, so it really wasn't that bad ^.^)! Found out where to obtain free PvP gear so I would be wearing something a bit closer to what I would look for, but the dilemma I had was gold. It's always about money isn't it!? Created a bunch of premade 85s and mailed their gold to my shaman just so I could pick up gems to outfit my new gear; these were not cheap! The gear's pretty snazzy though :).
Besides the money hiccup I'm pretty much prepped as well as I'm going to be (not bothering with enchants at this time as I don't have a maxxed enchanter for Mists content). Did one Heroic Dungeon so far, Siege of Niuzao Temple. Fairly interesting fight mechanics involved in the dungeon, most I haven't seen applied in the fashion Blizzard decided to put them in. Overall I was impressed with what I encountered, healing it wasn't easy even with my gear being put at an iLvl estimated to handle the dungeon (lower then the PvP gear I had equipped) and the dungeon was challenging and interesting all at once!
Attempted some LFR Mosu'ghan Vaults and didn't make it past the second boss, but again some interesting mechanics put in place by Blizzard. The second boss is actually difficult and requires quite a bit of coordination from the whole group, something I wouldn't expect to see in a PuG situation. I found myself facing alot of mana problems, couldn't keep any amount of it for the life of me; that's something I desperately need to work on. Hopefully with the hotfixes they recently put into place buffing Healing Rain while decreasing mana cost that I'll feel a little more comfortable; how do you AoE heal without Healing Rain and only being able to use Chain Heal every 6 seconds or so? You don't! Going to take some time hopefully later tonight to attempt some LFR again and see if these hotfixes are worth me not pretending to be a druid in Wrath spamming Rejuvination (equivalent to my Riptide glyphed) on the entire raid. Crossing my fingers for something a little more interesting! Otherwise I'll be switching out some glyphs each fight, which is supposedly what Blizzard intended so I guess I'll learn to do it one way or another ;).
In non-related news I did complete Heroic Dragon Soul with my group this week, yay! Took the week off this week so I could spend time with the boyfriend and son, but hoping to get back in there this week.
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