Hey there :)
For those that don't know me, my name is Jenn and I LOVE gaming especially WoW (aka World of Warcraft). My main's name is Fulgora on the US server of Rexxar (resto shaman, alliance side). I have many alternate characters that most of them I do play (some of them get neglected when things get busy with raiding and such), including one of each of the classes available to play in WoW at this time at max level (85).
I'm currently CDO (character development officer) in my guild called Epicism, which is an adult guild that doesn't allow drama. It can be a very exciting position, I know quite a bit about the game and each of the classes so the opportunity was made for me :). There's times where being a CDO can be a /facepalm moment, seeing applicants/players with gear/stats that have nothing to do with their class for example, but it is a bunch of fun. I've been able to learn even more then I already knew about particular classes when someone needs a bit of advice to help them play better (usually in raid situations) because of the research needed to help me help them. I've been able to create a best in slot list for this current tier of content for every class in a spreadsheet format, advise people on how they can improve their raid awareness and help raid leads change their strategies just a bit to get that progression kill (helped us kill Heroic Rhyolith and Heroic Alysrazor last tier of content).
Down to raiding, my group named Green Circle is currently 1/8H for Dragon Soul 10 man, we've been working out some issues that have been happening with consistency and group makeup to try and get us our second heroic kill (Yor'sahj). My main Fulgora has been benched the last month or so and I've been raiding on my prot warrior Toothandnail in my attempt to get spread the loot out a bit since we have half the raid on the same tier token (Mage, Rogue, DK, Druid). But, this week she's making a comeback! In an effort to make the group more consistent I am going back to healing and my boyfriend Geoff (aka Numen/Breton) is going back to tanking to fill in that spot. I can't wait, I'm so excited to finally be able to play that toon again, I've missed healing so much since I went tanking.
But, that's Wednesday. Right now I'm playing my prot/holy paladin Udderlyholy on Illidan horde side. She's only level 54 at the moment, but the levels come quickly it seems :). You wouldn't believe the amount of people that I've encountered in dungeons that either don't have a clue what they're doing, or are just plain idiots. It's pretty amazing! I don't think I've seen that many people like that on Alliance side while leveling, considering I've leveled 10 toons Alliance that's pretty shocking. Guess it's true that the kiddies play hordies......
My newb pally lucked out yesterday and got the pattern for the Phantom Blade, woot! I don't remember ever seeing that drop on any of my other toons, so it's pretty awesome that I lucked out and got it! Currently working on getting the mats for some more of them, made one for myself for transmog but today I found out people are selling them for 5000 gold each, can anyone say cha ching?! Epic flying (when I can fly) here I come!
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