First off, I did not realize how long ago I last posted. Norushen was my last post?! That was like 2 expansions ago now. I still continue running Legendary Exiles on Rexxar, which is unfortunately falling off due to the low population of the server and members leaving. It's been tough, people I have known forever starting to get more and more scarce - to a point where I'm usually the only member online. But, I manage.
We're currently on the Legion expansion, which in my opinion has stepped up it's game from the previous ones. The storyline is actually attention grabbing instead of what feels like filler. Major players that I've known of my entire Warcraft career have come around, and I am loving it - having plenty of fan girl moments sadly haha.
I'm back to my mage, and loving her for the time being. I played my druid for the first time in a long time in recent months and loved it, but while I enjoy healing noth

I'm excited to see what the rest of this expansion holds, I'm worried I'll be unable to raid because of the low population of our guild but I'm sure I'll manage whether it be pugging or grouping with friends.
I've been playing a lot of Overwatch and Diablo 3 on my PlayStation with some good friends of mine, and have been enjoying that. I'll touch on that in another blog!