Unfortunately I am no longer raiding on my priest at this time, with some members of that team leaving it wasn't very productive to continue trying to fill spots with extras every week. We were hoping to get going again when we get some new recruits, but the longer time goes by the less I think that will happen.
Things have kind of gotten to a standstill in guild, with the Warlords of Draenor expansion not even in Beta as of yet we have no idea if we'll have it before the year ends. Recruitment has slowed to a crawl, they opened up Siege of Orgrimmar to be able to be completed cross server so people won't have to leave the server their on to raid. This with the fact that this raid tier has been out a year in September and many have completed the content is getting us back to the end of expansion blues. Hopefully we can continue raiding until close to the next expansion, but we will have to see how things go.