Well, yet again I've slacked off on posting to my blog!
Lots of thing have gone on in the past two months; bit of guild drama in what is now my previous guild, a fresh start with some familiar faces with all of it leading up to now. I have to say night now I'm pretty content with my current in-game situation, I'm busy a lot of the time but I get to do what I enjoy!
Quick overview of what happened:
- A troublesome female joined my old guild and did what most people think female gamers do, caused drama. Our new GM essentially fell for her, it was messy and he was willing to not see it any other way then his.
- The new GM screwed up - badly and would not own up to his own mistakes, instead tried to remove the entire officership because we were at fault supposedly. Bad move since the four of us were in agreement minus the GM.
- A large amount of the guild left, including the four officers and we created our own guild - an inside joke as we called ourselves the Legendary Exiles. Somehow my raid team managed to all come over with us, I was very shocked but I still have my raid team minus one of our tanks that had to leave due to a job change.
And that pretty much sums it up. It was an interesting journey, involved a lot of heartbreak from me due to leaving a guild that I had spent so much time and energy on, but I am happy to report that I am now happier then ever minus the Drama Llama(s). Took us a lot of work to build back the guild that we had; we still have more work to do to keep both of our raid teams going, but we're getting there.
I am currently the GM of this ragtag group and am still actively raid leading. I'm proud to say that my team has made it to 11/14 bosses down in regular Siege of Orgrimmar to this date. The other team (formerly Anger Management once a name change poll gets completed) have killed Garrosh as of last week! I am currently raiding on both my shaman and my discipline priest (I'm the pretty one in tier 5 in the picture!) so I had the pleasure of being one of the members that contributed to the kill! Very proud of both groups, AM managed to pull together and finally get a well deserved Garrosh kill and the former Team Fail Status, now Team Legendary is still steadily getting progression kills.
Looking forward to continuing our new start with a great group of people, hoping to have some more good news the next time I post here!